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How to differentiate between when to use inductive and when to use deductive research approach?

Category : Thesis Writing
Date : 22-Jun-2017

  • The inductive research approach is used for exploring and understanding the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem. The process of research involves emerging questions and procedures, data typically collected in the participant's setting, data, analysis, inductively building from particulars to general themes, and the researcher making interpretations of the meaning of the data.

  • The deductive research approach is used for testing objective theories by examining the relationship between variables. These variables, in turn, can be measured, typically on instruments, so that the numbered data can be analysed using statistical procedures. 


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I am thankful to Lakshmi for her support in finding right references for my literature review chapter.Rajagopalan

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Your service was really helpful. My synopsis has been approved by RDC and now we need to start with the thesis.Sumayya Rajgir

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